Modern politics

As things get automated, you’d have to think that the political party that represents the interests of “labour” are well placed, in democratic system.

The other mob that represents “capital” should in principle get fewer and fewer votes as capital becomes isolated into fewer hands.

Off-setting this, is the ability of capital to expend funds to confuse and lie to the many so they end up supporting for the rights of “capital”, against their own best interests.

It’s that simple, and it’ll go tits up when “capital” stretches that rubber band too far. At this point, labour will wrest back control, or democracy will die.

Worth knowing

Like percentage points, basis points avoid the ambiguity between relative and absolute discussions about interest rates by dealing only with the absolute change in numeric value of a rate. For example, if a report says there has been a “1% increase” from a 10% interest rate, this could refer to an increase either from 10% to 10.1% (relative, 1% of 10%), or from 10% to 11% (absolute, 1% plus 10%). However, if the report says there has been a “100 basis point increase” from a 10% interest rate, then the interest rate of 10% has increased by 1.00% (the absolute change) to an 11% rate.

Entrypreneur #metoo

To be a man is to be an entrepreneur. Let me explain.

Despite whatever the current status is, no matter how happy or content, your true bloke will see an opportunity and a future with each and every pretty girl that he meets. Just like an entrepreneur only seeing the best forecast scenario for each and every business or technology opportunity.

This feeling for the fellas never fades. It’s hardwired into us to get us to procreate widely. Tricksy, nasty, evolution.

A little wisdom helps to blunten these feelings. Just beware the beer goggles.

Why blunten? Because this path invariably leads to troubles, o’Lord. And in hindsight, the troubles aren’t worth the root. Ever.

So, want to be an entrepreneur? Just channel your inner bloke. Same, same. Lol.


So the CSA calls me today and asks me to identify myself. Name, birthdate etc.

I say fuck off. Have you ever heard of identity fraud? You called me so the onus is on you to identify yourself.

No Deal.

I agree to call them back. No answer for an hour on call waiting.

Fuck what if wrong with this country?